Monday, February 20, 2012

Recycling People/Control

In the story Unwind society has come to an agreement to save lives, and follow a pro life pact. So abortion is not allowed, in place of it there is Storking, a process where the mother of the child who does not wish to keep the child drops it off n someone else's door step. Forcing that family to take care of the child. Giving the original mother a choice, but in return taking away the choice of the newly found adoptive parents. Parents who raise children are given the choice to "Unwind" their children. Parents have the option to "Unwind" their child from ages 13 to 18. The child must remain alive till age 13, untouched, protected by law. Those few years the child is rendered without their rights to life, they are left merciful to their parents will. Once the parents sign over their child to be unwound, there is no going back. THey are government property now. They will be unwound. Once 18 the child is an adult and makes their own choices. The parents decide if the child will be a worthy member of society or not. Whether or not they will be worth entering adulthood. Unwinding is a process where the child is harvested for its organs to donate them to someone in need...who can pay. This way the person is still alive since all of the parts of the person are still alive...or atlas about 94.9%.  Parents normally decide to donate their child if the child does not show anything that society will benefit from, or if they are disobedient. Sometimes they choose to donate one of their children, as 10% of your belongings go to the church. In this story, some adolescents who are up for Unwinding escape and in order to outrun the police until they hit 18 so they can have the right to choose not to be unwound.

The society says that no one dies in the world of unwinding. There whole body will live on. Someone else will live with their body parts. Once you receive a part from an unwound child you are no longer 100% yourself. Just like Cy showed in the story. He was no longer 100% Cy. He had thoughts, feelings, and even memories from the donor. He doesn't even feel in complete control of his body. He feels the donor take control of him. The struggle for identity is widely apparent in this book. All of the children striving for identity which is being taken away from them. The struggle against time, the strive to survive. The strongest desire.

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