I feel Sybel is the hero in The Forgotten Beast of Eld, by Patricia A. McKillip. Tamlorn and Coren do not meet all six points of a fantasy hero made by Campbell (1968).
1) Begin in obscurity. Sybel loved living on Mt. Eld and had no desire to leave or adventure beyond its boundaries. As would a person who had not come of age. She wasn't sure what Maelga's name was just that she was a witch living at the bottom of the mountain and had taken onions from Sybel's garden in the past.
2) Drawn inward. Sybel could sit for hours reading her books and medatating.
3) Darkness inhabited--benign and evil. Sybel tried to call the Liralen for years which was white so it was good but it traveled wtih its opposite--evil the black cloud of Blammor.
4) Guide/helper. Maelga helpes Sybel raise Tam and gives Sybel advice as needed throughout the story. Coren also helps to guide Sybel to deal with an adult restlessness and learn to love him. And to understand and appreciate what she can offer him as his wife.
5) School or special place. I don't think Sybel has just one special place. She talks often to Tam and Coren by the stone fire place and she spends time studying her books in the crystal dome of her home.
6) Recognise the capacity to become. Sybel struggles with becoming something bigger than the wizard woman living on Eld Mountian who speaks with animals. She doesn't think she can love a man and is surprised she wants to have his babies. Coren helps her to love him. Maelga helps Sybel to love and care forTam. On page 278, sybel says "...Whatever gentleness I have, you and Tam taught me, and later, Coren."
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