Friday, March 9, 2012

Social Transgression throughout the book

I hit on alot of social transgression in the last post but I can touch on it a little more in this post. Whenever you talk about gay/lesbian/homosexual actions, people are going to be a little tentative. Thats where our society is at right now. You have the backers for it who are expressing their feelings about how they support it and think there is nothing wrong with it. You have the crowd that opposes it for what could be several different reasons. Very rarely, do we find people in the middle or those they just dont care. Some think it is a decesion, others think its natural. Some think its a decesion based on what God gave you. Others think "gay actions" are a sin in Gods eyes and those who partake in it should be punished. This book hits on all these actions and more.
The two teens make a decesion, not entirely sure why, but they make it. That decesion is to be lovers. From the reading, it seems like a natural decesion. They go through all the steps of love, that all undergo. They are confused, naturally about what they're feeling. Also weighing down on them is how some in this society view them and their actions.
I think the author has a positive feel towards the plot of the story. Really, there is not to much downgrading in the book, although some don't support Annie and Liza's actions. Not shocking is that some back it, others dont. Like the abortion topic in our previous book, this problem isnt getting anywhere because we "as a society" are so set in our certain opinions. We develop these opinions in various different ways throughout our life but they are strong and they're what we are as human beings. The quesion is is should these girls be punished at all? Really, it depends on who you are and what your opinions are. I think most around them handled it pretty well. I think the real issues is whether or not we're going to see this as a normal thing in our society one day. How will it get solved? Will it ever be ok to love someone who is the same gender as you?

1 comment:

  1. You make a good point that the book identifies many beliefs about sexual orientation. I particularly appreciate your final question. It's a good one. What do you think is the answer to the question you pose?
