Monday, March 26, 2012

Absolutely True Diary of a Part-Time Indian

The Absolutely True Diary of a Part-Time Indian by Sherman Alexie, creates a charater that is non traditional from a hero a reader would incounter. Junior, a 14 year old Spokane indian, that has come to a critical moment in his life; he makes the discision to go to a different school outside of his tribe. The trials and tribulations that he encounters is what really develops Junior to become more relatable and accepting.

What I like about Junior is that he over comes so much in dealing with life, such as: his families alchololism, being constantly bullied, and of course living in a stereotyped world. The theme that I am getting from this book is that eventhough the odds are against you, you still have the means to achieve your goals. This is very relatable to my someday students that would be in high school because I think that alot of them believe that because they fall into a stereotype or live a certain way that that means they can not follow their own dreams or life. Reading this book radiates a sort of encouragement that most students need to realize that anything is possible only if you want it to be. How easy would it have been for Junior just to stay in school at the reservation, but he pushed through it all to become something he wanted to be. I think readers get a clear picture that Junior is a young boy trying to make a big decision is when Mr. P says, " 'All these kids have given up,' he said. 'All your friends. All the bullies. And their mothers and fathers have given up, too. and their grandparents gave up and their grandparents before them. And me and every other teacher here. We're all defeated'" (pg 42). Over coming odds it the big reaccuring theme here and breaking past what is expected of you. This is the kind of book I would want my students to read if they ever needed some encouragement.

I believe that this book is somewhat a relatable life experience because I am very different from my own family. That I wanted to break the mold of what my family did or became, therefore I had to do it all on my own. Not that I ever got beat up from my family or friends by doing things outside of the norm, but it was a struggle for my family to realize that I am very different from them. What I also like/relate to about this book is that it shows that not everyone's story is the same, that everyone gets to where they are by different routes. Although you might not encounter them directly it is very interesting to view someone else's point of view to see how they "beat their odds".

The Absolutely True Diary of a Part-Time Indian by Sherman Alexie is a book that will have a place on my book shelf because the idea that you can be different and achieve your dreams is something that every student should be able to read. Maybe everyone around you is holding you back and you need some more guidance in your life, this is why this book is important and relatable to students.

1 comment:

  1. Well said! You talk of Junior's desire to achieve beyond the stereotype which shouldn't define him, as well as all our desires to move beyond various stereotypes to become unique individuals who take different paths. Those are good points.
